By: Erin Cousins
The video below is our recruitment powerpoint presentation that we made to send out to high schools around Utah. It provides a brief overview of Girls Lobby as an organization, our mission, and the impact we hope to have on our communities. We tried to emphasize the work that these teenagers can do to get involved in politics even before they’re old enough to vote. We really wanted them to feel like they were a part of their communities, that they’re voice matters, and that they had the power to make a difference within those communities, even as teenagers. To do this, we gave examples of young girls that were able to start national and global movements because of their passion and their dedication to making the world a better, more just place. We also provided data from the U.S. and from Utah that shows just how few women are actually elected representatives. We want to encourage these students to be activists and elected officials. We want them to make systemic change, however they feel they are best suited to do so. We just want them to understand and to trust that they have the ability to help create the change they want to see in the world. It’s never too early to start getting involved.
To read the script that went along with the power point, just follow this link.